Apoorv Khandelwal

mail [at] apoorvkh.com

For academic inquiries:
apoorvkh [at] brown.edu

Hey, I'm Apoorv! I'm a third-year CS PhD student at Brown, where I'm very fortunate to be advised by Chen Sun & Ellie Pavlick. I am supported by Brown's Presidential Fellowship. My current research interests are in modularity & compositionality in language models. My prior interests are illustrated by the works below! I have also had the great pleasure of working at the Allen Institute for AI and with Noah Snavely & Hadar Averbuch-Elor as an undergrad at Cornell.

Apoorv Khandelwal, Tian Yun, Nihal V. Nayak, Jack Merullo, Stephen H. Bach, Chen Sun, Ellie Pavlick
paper code press
  title         = {{$100K or 100 Days: Trade-offs when Pre-Training with Academic Resources}},
  author        = {Apoorv Khandelwal and Tian Yun and Nihal V. Nayak and Jack Merullo and Stephen H. Bach and Chen Sun and Ellie Pavlick},
  year          = 2024,
  url           = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/2410.23261},
  eprint        = {2410.23261},
  archiveprefix = {arXiv},
  primaryclass  = {cs.CL}
Apoorv Khandelwal, Ellie Pavlick, Chen Sun
EMNLP 2023
paper code
    title        = {Analyzing Modular Approaches for Visual Question Decomposition},
    author       = {Apoorv Khandelwal and Ellie Pavlick and Chen Sun},
    year         = {2023},
    month        = {December},
    booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)},
    pages        = {2590--2603}
Greg Pass, Dan Goods, Pilar Fatás, Apoorv Khandelwal, Michael Skvarla, Noriaki Nakayamada, Karen Meech, Sonia Hernandez, Evan Hilgemann
Acta Astronautica
    title = {Altamira Comet proof-of-concept},
    journal = {Acta Astronautica},
    volume = {210},
    pages = {498--510},
    month = {September},
    year = {2023},
    author = {Greg Pass and Dan Goods and Pilar Fatás and Apoorv Khandelwal and Michael Skvarla and Noriaki Nakayamada and Karen Meech and Sonia Hernandez and Evan Hilgemann},
Eurographics 2023
project page paper
   title = {What's in a Decade? Transforming Faces Through Time},
   author = {Eric Ming Chen and Jin Sun and Apoorv Khandelwal and Dani Lischinski and Noah Snavely and Hadar Averbuch-Elor},
   month = {May},
   year = {2023},
   journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
   volume = {42},
   number = {2},
   pages = {281--291},
ECCV 2022
project page video paper code
   title={A-OKVQA: A Benchmark for Visual Question Answering using World Knowledge},
   author={Dustin Schwenk and Apoorv Khandelwal and Christopher Clark and Kenneth Marino and Roozbeh Mottaghi},
   booktitle={Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
   month = {October},
CVPR 2022
paper video code
    author    = {Apoorv Khandelwal and Luca Weihs and Roozbeh Mottaghi and Aniruddha Kembhavi},
    title     = {Simple but Effective: CLIP Embeddings for Embodied AI},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
    month     = {June},
    year      = {2022},
    pages     = {14829--14838}
ICCV 2021 (Oral Presentation)
project page paper video code
   title     = {Who's Waldo? Linking People Across Text and Images},
   author    = {Claire Yuqing Cui and Apoorv Khandelwal and Yoav Artzi and Noah Snavely and Hadar Averbuch-Elor},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
   month     = {October},
   year      = {2021},
   pages     = {1374--1384}
NeurIPS 2020: Navigating the Broader Impacts of AI Research Workshop
paper video
   title     = {An Ethical Highlighter for People-Centric Dataset Creation},
   author    = {Margot Hanley and Apoorv Khandelwal and Hadar Averbuch-Elor and Noah Snavely and Helen Nissenbaum},
   booktitle = {Navigating the Broader Impacts of AI Research Workshop at the 34th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},
   month     = {December},
   year      = {2020}
